quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

Zayn Malik And Perrie Edwards 'It's Love'

Source told HEAT: 'Zayn and Perrie have been inseperable. They had a long time apart while Zayn toured the States, so they're really happy to be together again. Zayn has been staying at Perrie's place in Notting Hill most of the time. He's rarely ever at his own flat and they want to make their joint living situation more official. Zayn just hasn't met anyone like Perrie.
He's absolutely infatuated with her. They want to be together all the time. Zayn's bought himself a house in North London but isn't quite ready to move in there yet. Perrie is going to help him kit the place out, it will basically be their place rather than just Zayn's. Perrie will have her own wardrobe space and will give advice on how it's decorated.
It's definitely love. They try to lay low and don't really want to be a couple who flaunt their relationship for the cameras, but in their circle it's no secret they want a future together.'
The Wanted's Max George told THE SUN: 'If you had to tick all the boxes of what’s a boyband, I don’t think we’d fit. We’re not the most attractive bunch that has ever been in the pop world. We don’t dance. But we can all play instruments, which is what is good about us. We don’t want to be the stereotypical boyband, we don’t want to be cheesy. I’d say we are sort of a mix between a boyband and a band. a hybrid.'
Harry has been offered to play a private gig for Cara Delevingne and all her friends at her 20th birthday celebrations on Saturday. Source told THE SUN: 'As Harry and Cara have hit it off, they thought it would be nice to ask him if he'd sing to her. Whether it's a special rendition of Happy Birthday or something else is undecided. It all depends if Harry has the guts.'

Perrie 'I Don't Wash My Hair For 2 Weeks'

While camping with Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards revealed that it was easy for her to go without washing her hair. Perrie confessed: 'I don’t wash my hair for two weeks at home so when I’m camping it’s not affecting me!'
Zayn is not impressed: 'After this interview I think I’m gonna get dumped! I try to be ladylike but I think he sees my true colours sometimes!' When asked if that was what he loved about her, she said: 'Well, maybe, I don’t know. Maybe!'

One Direction Test Girlfriends On Twitter

Niall Horan's brother Greg told Heat magazine that Niall 'doesn't have time.. They test girls out to make sure they are trustworthy. [Niall] will follow you on Twitter for a while and suss you out, make sure you’re genuine and have you out, then go for it! So watch what you’re saying on Twitter. Make sure you’re coming across as genuine. It’s not full on straight away. He’ll maybe go for coffee.
They are all quite innocent in their own way but what teenage lad does not love the ladies? He has a lot of female friends that he goes out with, but he's not going to start seeing them seriously because he doesn't have the time.
If he found a girl he would want to give all his time to them, and it would be stupid for him to leave the band over a girl. [Niall and Demi] are very good friends and I've spoken to her on Skype, Niall would like a girl like that. A girl that deep down really, really understands the life. What the boys go through, nobody else can understand. They'd be good for each other.'

Zayn Malik saying Hi to Brazil

One Direction are coming to 7!


sábado, 28 de julho de 2012

Little Mix, '1D's New Song Is Brilliant'

Jade Thirlwall told Capital FM about One Direction's new music: 'We heard a cheeky little song, but we're not allowed to say anything. It's brilliant. The fans will love it.' Leigh-Anne Pinnock: 'I think it would be really interesting,

..a Little Mix and One Direction [song]. Imagine what that would be like.' Jesy Nelson said: 'I think we have different styles of music so I don't know how we would make it work. It might work, you never know