quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2012

One Direction Test Girlfriends On Twitter

Niall Horan's brother Greg told Heat magazine that Niall 'doesn't have time.. They test girls out to make sure they are trustworthy. [Niall] will follow you on Twitter for a while and suss you out, make sure you’re genuine and have you out, then go for it! So watch what you’re saying on Twitter. Make sure you’re coming across as genuine. It’s not full on straight away. He’ll maybe go for coffee.
They are all quite innocent in their own way but what teenage lad does not love the ladies? He has a lot of female friends that he goes out with, but he's not going to start seeing them seriously because he doesn't have the time.
If he found a girl he would want to give all his time to them, and it would be stupid for him to leave the band over a girl. [Niall and Demi] are very good friends and I've spoken to her on Skype, Niall would like a girl like that. A girl that deep down really, really understands the life. What the boys go through, nobody else can understand. They'd be good for each other.'

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