quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012

Caroline Themed Tattoo??

Harry Styles grinning

The Haroline rumour mill is working over time at the moment, with the latest ideas floating around coming from a 'mole' who told the Metro newspaper that Harry Styles is planning on getting some kind of Caroline Flack themed tattoo.
"We all think he is mad," the spy told the paper.
Er, yeah, if this is actually true (which we doubt), we think he's a bit bonkers too.
He must know that couples tattoos are the curse of all relationships? As soon as someone gets an 'I HEART LASQUISHA' banner emblazoned across their chest, it's almost a 100% guarantee that Lasquisha will bugger off with someone else, leaving the illustrated man looking like a fool.

Surely everybody knows that? However, everybody also knows that boy/girlfriends come and go, but friends stick around forever. So maybe if Harry is thinking of getting a tattoo he should work on a Louis Tomlinson themed creation?
Perhaps start off with a subtle tribute, like getting Louis' braces tattooed on his torso, or a carrot on an arse cheek.
What do you guys suggest?

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