domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2012

Zayn to quit smoking

When we heard that One Direction’s Zayn Malik was finally giving up them faaaags we breathed a sigh of relief. Not only do cigarettes come laced with cancer (kind of), they also make you smell, have bad teeth, grimy fingernails and the skin of a 45-year-old who’s never had a day off work.
                                     Yes our Photoshop skills are awesome, what of it?
Anyway it seems you lot are in agreement with us and think the sooner Zaynie boy quits the better.
Lifeislanvin said: “Good for Zayn! Hope he does break the habit. Lung cancer is no joke. :/”
While kira.banhamx pointed out that smoking is no good if you want the voice of a boyband angel.
“he needs to it will ruin his voice!!!”
It looks like Sweetie96 could take the job of his official support buddy.
“GO ZAYN!!!! C'MON BABES YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Just think of how good it would feel!!!! PLUS, you'll look even more gorgeous for longer :D hehe!!! N'aaaw! I love them so much!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”
And JasmineSarah has reason to smile now as she can finally accept Zayn’s offer of a date.
“Good cause that the only reason why I didn't go out with him when he asked me :S”
                    Well, we’re glad we can all agree. Anything to add to this? Then tell us here...

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