We've been meticulously documenting the characterisitcs of One Direction's Harry Styles's ideal girlfriend for several months now. This might makes us sound like stalkers but we prefer to think of ourselves more like the CIA agents of Harry Styles love life, our mission: Unlocking Harry Styles's attraction code.
We even share our findings with the world because we're really nice CIA agents.

Let's go over what we've already documented. Harry Styles look for in a girl:
- someone who is "cute".
- someone who "has a good sense of humour and is loyal".
- someone to "call up in the middle of the night and just talk to".
- someone "nice".
So what are his latest requests?

When asked by Heat magazine what hair colour he goes for Haz Staz explained, "Any, really. Most of my girlfriends have been blonde, but a good brunette is always nice."
Then asked If he prefers legs, boobs or bum Harry said, "All of them. But I'm more into legs and bums."
So any hair colour and all girl parts. You're just so picky Harry Styles.
Although when asked if he likes a skinny or curvy lady Harry Styles did admit, "Curvy, so there's more to grab on to."
Well Harry you can grab on to us any time you like.