domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

'Harry Styles Pursued A Girl In San Diego'

From Trisha: I had seats on the right side of the stage in the first row at One Direction's San Diego concert on June 6th. Harry kept looking over at the section to the right of me. There was a blonde girl sitting on the raised seats on the right of the stage. Whenever he came over to the right side, I'd catch him seriously staring at her. He even smiled at her a few times and waved to her at the end of the show.

He called up the sound guy and was talking to him for a really long time. From the stage, he kept making jokes and mouthing things to the sound guy. My friend was sitting right behind the girl. Apparently a security guard came up to the girl and told her that Harry wanted to meet her back stage. The first picture is one I took of Harry talking to the sound guy about her. The second picture shows how close my seats were so I could see everything. He looked over there a ton

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