quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012

Niall Horan's dad: "There's a local girl that he loves"

To appreciate this fully it's probs best to imagine it all in an Irish accent

Having heard his award winning accent and stared deep into his pearly blue eyes of joy, we really are having quite a bit of difficulty working out how the heck One Direction's Niall Horan is still flying solo. It sounds like he's working on things though as according to his dad Bobby, Niall's already got his eye on a girl from his home town of Mullingar.
Speaking to Heat about the trials and tribulations of Niall's tempestuous love life, Bobby said: "There's a local girl that Niall loves. I know he thinks of her as his sweetheart.
Just give us a moment while we stop hyperventilating..
"She's very attractive and I know they're close, but I don't know whether he's made any advances on her yet."
"I'm not going to embarrass her by giving out her name though."
Oh Niall's dad, you tease us so. At least give us a clue..
"She's a brunette with big brown eyes and pale skin like Niall's. She's from the town but the other end to us, and I always knew Niall has big feelings for her. When he goes out with this girl, they go to the local disco and go bowling."
"He's quite shy with girls, but if I were to say what his type is, it's a girl who likes the craic - to have a good laugh."
At first we thought that maybe this mystery gal pal might be Ali McGinley but then we remembered that she and Niall have apparently only just met. Hmmm..
What do you think about all this then? We're pretty sure that actually the girl Niall's dad is describing is probably us, but on the small offchance that it isn't, who do you think it could be?

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