terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

One Direction Boston Arrival Pictures

Louis told Radio Live New Zealand: 'This would be such a different story if we were solo artists. I don’t know if me personally if I’d be able to hack it if I was a solo artist, it’s a lot of time away from home. But to have the other guys there with you is really nice and makes everything so much more fun.'

Are YOU going to see them on tour? Danielle Peazer Tweeted: ;I think Liam and Harry think they're Jay Z and Kanye.. If the singing fails I think they'll turn into rappers!' Liam told Top Of The Pops on how he could impress a girl on a date: 'Hmm, I can do a really fast handstand. I can go into one in a second without leaning against a wall or anything!`

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