sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012

Zayn Malik Home On Fire, 'Perrie's Great'

Fire broke out in Zayn Malik's North London flat yesterday, reports HEAT. Three fire engines tackled the ferocious blaze throughout the afternoon as it swept through the plush Princess Park Manor private complex. No one who lives in the building with Zayn was hurt but residents in the ground floor flat where the fire started from an electrical fault have been moved to temporary accommodation.
Neighbour: 'It was a fierce blaze. It happened in the middle of the day, no alarms went off at first but luckily a lady in the flat managed to get out and raise the alarm. If she hadn’t been there it could have been a lot worse. The fire brigade said we were very lucky. Everybody in the block had to evacuate the building. One of the flats is completely gutted and a few have been badly damaged by smoke. Zayn is away at the moment but we think he has a friend or family member staying in his flat while he is away to look after his dog.'
Liam and Niall also live on the 30 acre complex and rent a £5,000 per month flat. Harry and Louis shared a flat nearby but recently moved out. Members of JLS and The Wanted also live on the estate. Zayn told The Mirror about his hot new relationship it Perrie Edwards: 'We're absolutely incredible, everything's going great. We're buzzing.'

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